More than a memento from Amish country

Our lives take unique paths through our experiences, things we learn, and mostly through the people that we meet. This past week I had the privilege of meeting new people, reconnecting with friends, and exploring rural Ohio – specifically Amish country. Many people have wandered these back roads to catch a glimpse at a group of people that choose to live more simply and in accordance with their faith. I am so excited to be working with a group of people on a book that will tell the story of this group of people in both words and photography in an honest and respectful way. I can’t say too much about the specifics of the project, but I will share a photo of a few of the things I purchased while there. While these items don’t seem more than mementos from a trip, each item has a spectacular story along with it. I am excited to be a part of this journey and to see how this will all come together.

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